located near Grand Junction, Colorado
located near Grand Junction, Colorado
All of the animals for sale are ADGA registered and descend from and in many cases are linebred back to SG DesertNanny BR Estrella, foundation doe for Redstone Dairy Goats, with progeny serving as foundation animals for Noall's Ark amd Bridgeport Farms.
From Estrella's first daughter SG Redstone SF Dark Star EX90, EX92 Breed Leader and ADGA Elite Doe 2016-2021 a fabulous line of does emerged in sequence: Dark Star, SGCH Redstone C Mimolette 2x EX90, SGCH Noall's Ark Caprice Des Dieux EX91 Breed Leader, 99th Percentile PTI 2:1 429
From Estrella's first daughter SG Redstone SF Dark Star EX90, EX92 Breed Leader and ADGA Elite Doe 2016-2021 a fabulous line of does emerged in sequence: Dark Star, SGCH Redstone C Mimolette 2x EX90, SGCH Noall's Ark Caprice Des Dieux EX91 Breed Leader, 99th Percentile PTI 2:1 429
Also available, Caprice daughter/maternal sister to Tiffany, Bridgeport Farms RS Lucy. Also sired by Dark Star's brother. Lucy is a beautiful 2 yo milker, currently ranked 89th % for Production. Her litterbrother Sun Ra is siring fantastic and well uddered does and currently works in Canada. Her udder is socked on, she's sweet and she has the potential to be a fabulous brood doe. $800
Dark Star had a couple of really good daughters including the less acclaimed but very sound and hard-working SG Redstone Pony Bellatrix. Trix son Bellator is available, Bellator represents the merging of the two primary lines influenced by Estrella. Dark Star's brother Dhruva sired Redstone DHRV Rayna James and from there we took off with SG Redstone Rosie The Riveter, Riatta, and Romeeka. Redstone Joyride Bellator $500
Additional animals available include: Redstone Joyride Jayla (out of Dark Star daughter Redstone Imax Mitaka) and her yearling daughter Bridgeport Farms Hannah sired by Caprice son and littermate to Tiffany, and Hannah's two daughters sired by Springwater AL Jack Frost; and, two very special little gold doelings sired by Caprice son Bridgeport Farms QuillStarlord (linebred on GCH Dragonfly IH Peregrine EX 91 Elite) out of yearling Redstone Triton Romeeka. There are some outstanding mammary genetics in the mix here, speaking about and beyond just the Romeeka daughters
Multiple animal purchase discounts are available. For more information or to purchase any of these goats please contact Alexis Bachrach 435.225.1231
Multiple animal purchase discounts are available. For more information or to purchase any of these goats please contact Alexis Bachrach 435.225.1231